Topics Collective Bargaining California Court of Appeal Upholds Construction Industry CBA Exemption from PAGAAlabama Court Temporarily Enjoins All Picketing in Mine Workers StrikeD.C. Circuit Flips NLRB; Employer’s Alleged ‘Baseless’ Statements of Opinion Lawful DOL Teamsters Union Lost Most Members in 20 Years in 2019Unions Must Publicly Report More Financial InformationDOL Chief Nominee Acosta’s Hearing Scheduled for March22 Executive Orders President Biden Moved Quickly to Re-Direct NLRB in First 100 DaysSenate Votes to Disapprove Obama-Era Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive OrderPuzder Chosen to Head DOL: Many Changes Expected Labor Disputes NLRB Rules Employers Cannot Restrict Employees’ Right to Display Union InsigniaAlabama Court Temporarily Enjoins All Picketing in Mine Workers Strike LMDRA R. Alexander Acosta Picked to Head Department of LaborDOL Chief Nominee Puzder WithdrawsWhat’s Next in Labor Law? LMRA U.S. Supreme Court Decides Not to Review Union-Neutrality Case After All NLRA Union Election Petitions Up 27%; Labor Board Activity Highest in a DecadeCalifornia Governor Newsom Signs Law To Curtail Employer Mandatory Meetings With Employees During Union OrganizingTexas Federal Judge Struck Down Labor Board's New Joint-Employer Rule NLRB Union Election Petitions Up 27%; Labor Board Activity Highest in a DecadeCalifornia Governor Newsom Signs Law To Curtail Employer Mandatory Meetings With Employees During Union OrganizingTexas Federal Judge Struck Down Labor Board's New Joint-Employer Rule On The Hill Build Back Better Act Update: Committee Releases Labor Provisions for Inclusion in Senate VoteBuild Back Better Reconciliation Bill Includes Heavy New Penalties for Employer Violations of NLRARecent Senate Confirmations Cement Democrat Control of NLRB OSHA Puzder Chosen to Head DOL: Many Changes ExpectedNLRB and Department of Labor: One Hand Washes the Other to Promote Cross-Filed ComplaintsOSHA and NLRB Update Referral Agreement Right-To-Work Congressional Democrats Advance Pro-Labor Initiatives with Reintroduction of the PRO ActBargaining Power Restored: NLRB Holds Dues Checkoff Ends at Contract ExpirationSeventh Circuit Declines to Award Damages to Victorious Janus Plaintiff Uncategorized NLRB Reminds Employers Importance of Applying Consistent Discipline Policies in WorkplaceLabor Board Orders Business to Reopen; D.C. Circuit Says Not So FastNLRB Finds Aggressive Bargaining Proposals Not Unlawful Unions and Organizing Union Election Petitions Up 27%; Labor Board Activity Highest in a DecadeCalifornia Governor Newsom Signs Law To Curtail Employer Mandatory Meetings With Employees During Union OrganizingPrivate Sector Union Membership Rate Held Steady in 2023