Membership in unions is on the decline. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of unionized workers dropped by 771,000 in 2009, largely reflecting the overall drop in employment due to the recession. With hopes for the passing of the Employee Free Choice Act on the wane, unions have to look elsewhere
Back to the 20th Century?
The President Barack Obama spoke at a recent meeting of the AFL-CIO and after prepared remarks, he responded to a question from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. The nub of the exchange was that the President would advise employees to join a union, just as President Franklin Roosevelt did back in the 1930s.
Is that what…
SEIU Healthcare Florida Set to Enter Into “Partnership for Power” with 1199SEIU
On June 15, 2010, SEIU Healthcare Florida members will have the chance to vote in a secret ballot election to determine whether to merge with 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East in what the unions are calling a “Partnership for Power.”
With more than 350,000 members, 1199SEIU is already the largest healthcare workers’ local in the…
New SEIU President May Not Be Andy Stern’s Pick
According to Politico, it appears that Andy Stern’s selected successor for SEIU President, Anna Burger, may lose to rival Mary Kay Henry. It is interesting that a union that often speaks about “democracy” and “voice” is engaged in quiet deals to “elect” its new leader based upon the “voice of membership.”
Ironically, Mr. Stern, the great…
Union Leaders Calling for “Recess Appointment” of Craig Becker
An article in the February 11th edition of The Wall Street Journal quotes a number of Union leaders calling for President Obama to seat Craig Becker as a member of the National Labor Relations Board as a “recess appointment” despite the fact that, earlier this week, the Becker nomination failed to garner the 60…
Former SEIU Organizer Alleges Coercive and Fraudulent Misconduct at Union Election
In an op-ed article published in The Wall Street Journal, Matthew Kaminski related the latest development in the schism between Andy Stern’s Service Employees International Union (SEIU) affiliate United Healthcare Workers (UHW) and Sal Rosselli’s National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW).
Mr. Kaminski discussed accusations that SEIU threatened workers with deportation and tampered with secret…