The announcement by the National Mediation Board (NMB) on November 3 of a proposed reinterpretation of the Railway Labor Act (RLA) to make it easier for unions to organize may be a harbinger for EFCA, as well. Rather than ask Congress to amend the 75-year-old RLA or follow normal rulemaking procedures, the new, two-person pro-labor

"EFCA" is not just an abbreviation for the Employee Free Choice Act. In a larger sense, it stands for a dramatic shift in our nation’s labor relations policy that the Obama Administration has begun implementing.

The most recent example of this shift is the proposed change in the procedure for selecting union representation under

Last week we told you that “Organized Labor certainly has the ‘ear’ of this Administration.”  We didn’t know how right we were.

On Friday, the Obama Administration published a partial list of visitors who have visited the White House.  Andy Stern, President of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), visited 22 times, more than any reporter Holly Rosenkrantz believes things have been “looking up” for Organized Labor.  Rosenkrantz’s October 29 article cites several recent victories for Labor, including newly imposed federal tariffs on tires produced overseas for U.S. manufacturers, free trade agreements being put on hold and a potential rule change making it easier for airline workers to

Senate Committee Avoids Public Hearing, Despite Call from Employer Groups

Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (“HELP”) announced it had scheduled a meeting for October 21 to consider without a hearing the Administration’s three nominees to the NLRB.  The HELP Committee’s action occurred despite pleas by the U.S. Chamber of

House Democrats plan to put EFCA on the House floor for a vote in about a month, a credible source just reported to this blog. We are not sure which version of EFCA will be sent to the floor, but House Democrats, with their overwhelming majority, could seek to pass the full version of EFCA

When Change to Win left the AFL-CIO in 2005, 35% of the labor federation’s revenue left with it. Despite this, Labor provided massive, unprecedented support for political purposes in the last two election cycles. The investments have resulted in a “worker friendly” Congress and White House.

But there are negative results for Labor as well.

This article received contributions from all of the EFCA & Labor Law Reform Blog authors.

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) pulled the curtains off of his revised version of the Employee Free Choice Act during the September 15 session of the AFL-CIO convention. He announced that his version, which he claims will “be totally satisfactory