According to a recent Gallup poll, almost two-thirds of Americans approve of labor unions.
After reaching an all-time low of 48% in 2009, approval of labor unions has increased steadily to 64%. This increase crosses political party lines. According to the Gallup poll, 82% of Democrats approve of unions. Although only 45% of Republicans approve of unions, this represents a significant increase from only 29% in 2009. Approval among Independents also has grown 17% since 2009, to 61%.
According to Gallup, unions have enjoyed higher approval ratings only twice since 1970: in 1999 and 2003. Union leaders partially credit highly publicized strikes and walkouts for the rise in support, and they have pledged to organize more aggressively to capitalize on the growing popularity.
As public support for unions grows, it is more important than ever for employers to educate supervisors about how to recognize early warning signs and lawfully respond to organizing by explaining what union representation may mean for employees and their families. Jackson Lewis attorneys are available to work with employers to provide legal advice on these issues, and on how employers can create an environment where employees feel well-treated and see no need for union representation.